
Charlotte Fossati is trained to support you in the following areas: JOB COACH | SINGLE MUM'S | ADHD | PROFESSIONAL REINTEGRATION

job coach

Job coach: Personalized support for career guidance, strengthening job search skills, improving interview techniques and ongoing support for employees in the workplace.

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single mum's

Specific support for single mothers to reconcile professional life and parenting, build confidence, overcome daily challenges and create a fulfilling family environment.

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Specialized support for people affected by ADHD, HPI, ASD, Autism and other forms of neurodiversity, focused on understanding the disorder, developing organizational strategies, concentration, time management, and strengthening social skills. and self-esteem.

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professional reintegration

Specialized support aimed at facilitating the return to employment, the acquisition of new skills, and professional reintegration after a period of inactivity or difficulties.

→ let’s make an appointment