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“The Keys to the Restoration of the Abused Woman and the Quest for Marital Harmony:
An Exploration of Couples’ Funds and Goals”

Chalotte Fossati – 2024 edition

In our contemporary society, women are often assimilated to delicate, vulnerable beings in search of salvation, hoping to be delivered by a saving prince charming. However, many high-flying women with successful careers are ready to sacrifice everything to follow a man. Even the most eminent female figures, such as magistrates, can succumb to the charms of the very people they themselves have condemned. Examples of wise women giving up their aspirations to follow a man abound, as do those of women victims of domestic violence who stand up for their attackers.

Faced with these striking findings, it is imperative to recognize the prodigious potential of women, their ability to juggle various responsibilities, their resilience and their empathy. However, once injured, women require considerable time to heal their wounds, their hearts being likened to an artichoke. The masterful work of Charlotte Fossati eloquently exposes the means and stratagems to be implemented to promote the restoration of a scorned woman, not only essential to her personal healing, but also crucial for public safety, because a scorned, mistreated woman can become a threat to itself and the entire community

This work is the revisited and supplemented version of the 2018 edition,
published under the title “The keys to Wealth and Property”

selected extracts


We live in a world of infinite possibilities...possibilities that exist at the same time, that can all be grasped at once, but that can't be grasped by everyone. By whom can they be created since they are not perceptible to everyone and even those who perceive them are sometimes not in possession of the codes to have access to them and benefit from them? This is, in fact, the Gordian knot of this theme... the possibilities do indeed exist, in infinite quantity, but access to these possibilities responds to codes and these codes are not exposed in public places or in the magazines in plain sight, you have to look for them, rummage through old books, browse encyclopedias if necessary and even use astronomical glasses to scan the stars in the hope that the mysterious codes will appear through the constellations . Because yes, the codes of access to the possibilities of life, the codes of access to prosperity cost more than the possibilities and prosperity to which they will lead us, which is why finding these codes proves all the more costly in effort.

The good news is that the burden of this effort linked to finding the codes will now be lightened for you and the only efforts that can now weigh on your conscience are those that you will make to use these codes wisely. Yes, just as Christoph Columbus discovered America and from then on there is no need to look for America, you just need to use a map to get there, this is now what will be done thanks to the efforts titanic works of the eminent social worker and job coach Charlotte Fossati with the codes of prosperity which were inspired by her and which she decided to share with her peers in a burst of great generosity. She realized that despite the abundance of possibilities and the infinite nature of prosperity, many people, especially in Africa, have no access to them… and the solution is not to help them with donations. money or food, but to connect them to the inexhaustible sources of this prosperity which has existed for all eternity. Because when you think about it, many things in our world require similar codes...don't you need codes to withdraw money from ATMs? Or, don't you need codes to access a phone, tablet or computer containing very important data? or finally, don't you need codes to access a cryptocurrency wallet containing thousands of bitcoins? It therefore goes without saying that codes are required to access the fields of infinite prosperity and through this precise, concise and almost mathematically accurate book, these codes are provided to you on a golden platter. (…)


Identification with the Divine, a guarantee of prosperity

Our economic growth will depend on awareness of our identity in the Divine. You are not without knowing that money responds to many things but, have you realized that to arrive at a certain level in certain Nations, we must above all count on the Divine, clarify our identity in Him and to Do those who are not believers apply certain principles?

Why am I talking to you about the principles of abundance today? This is precisely so as not to be surprised in the event of resistance, because all the achievers will testify to you that no victory is acquired without encountering tribulations, each path to success is punctuated by moments of discouragement, of rejection and so on. Finally, your body and mind must embrace abundance and prosperity by throwing yourself completely where the games are played, where the dancing happens: I repeat, in the high places!

No woman who aspires to success should have apprehension about:
– Enter high places, under any pretext…. I would cite for example hotels with high added values, historical monuments, renowned boutiques, serious media… etc.
– Talking about money in terms of millions and billions of dollars.
However, there are principles to apply.

I commit to entering quality boutiques or stores in order to immerse myself in new fashions, even if I have no intention of treating myself to them. Above all, I must sharpen my vision and increase my vibrational frequencies.

I commit to entering places frequented by connoisseurs, wise people. I commit to going there at least once a year, the idea being that my vibrational frequencies become accustomed to these favorite places….
However, I should be aware of the uncomfortable feeling of the early years. Being aware of this resistance helps me not to give up. This may be related to the fact that at the time there were proclamations that certain places would only be frequented by a certain group of highly distinguished populations. The more I force myself to go there, the more my frequencies accept these places. Imagine that the opportunity presented itself to you to attend a Gala dinner at the presidency of the republic of your country? or that you have the opportunity to stay in one of the most luxurious hotels in the world? (…)


The art of preparing the future of your offspring

Proclaiming about your embryo: an education that begins before birth

Can we sow in a field without having cleared it and expect it to give us a good harvest?

Can we travel with a car in poor condition without having it repaired and still hope that it will take us safely?

Can you hold a senior management position in a multinational company without having completed the necessary studies?

Can we defend a doctoral thesis on a topic that we have never studied, in a language that we have never learned and in a university in which we are not registered?

Dear mothers, I would like to share with you an inspiring idea that could transform the lives of our future children. Based on the concept of Omraam Mikhail Aïvanhov in his book “Education that begins before birth”, I invite you to think about how we can proclaim about our children even before they enter the world.

Don't we say that luck is preparation that meets opportunity? And that this also applies to procreation? Material inheritance is real: we can either accept it or repudiate it. What about the spiritual, emotional, psychological, educational heritage? Is it possible to eliminate certain aspects through education before birth?

In our constantly evolving society, it is essential to prepare adequately to achieve our goals. Whether it is to access the Olympic Games or to procreate, preparation is a key element to guarantee success. However, it is important to note that settings, concepts, resources and technology are constantly evolving. Rather than seeing this as increased difficulty, it is better to train conscious and resilient individuals. In this chapter, we'll look at why prenatal education is just as important as preparing for the Olympics or the World Cup.

Preparing a human being's destiny before birth is essential to ensuring their well-being throughout their life. Parents should consider their physical and mental health, as well as their financial situation, before deciding to have a child. (…)


Yes, I would like to order my copy of “The Keys to the Restoration of the Abused Woman and the Quest for Marital Harmony: An Exploration of the Funds and Goals of the Couple” by Chalotte Fossati. I recognize that depending on the volume of orders I may have to wait some time if the series is sold out and a new series needs to be reprinted.



from the same author

Publication 2017, new revised and corrected edition May 2024.


A woman's heart is an ocean full of secrets, said actress Rose Dawson from the famous film Titanic... I would say for my part, that a woman's life is an experience worth several lives in one! for if not a woman, who can carry the weight of the world on her shoulders? who can endure the pangs of childbirth without conditions or guarantees? who can endure, day and night, the multiple about-faces of men? Being a woman is somewhat akin to torture, as women in certain societies are ridiculed, mistreated, martyred and objectified as filth, what am I saying? garbage !

And then, it is in the middle of this shambles, in the ruin of this chaos of which many women are victims throughout the world, that faith gives birth to deliverance for the benefit of all these millions of women flouted and insulted in their dignity. But this deliverance will not sell elsewhere, because the world is made so that only those who are directly affected by a problem can solve it for good.

It is therefore a woman, in the person of Charlotte Fossati, whose character was forged in the wounds of flouting but who knew how to stand up to this signal affront, who refused to be buried by worries and who decided to soar high into the spheres even though she has touched the bottom! It is she who comes to extend a helping hand to all women victims of manipulation, contempt, exploitation and undervaluation in societies and homes.


Chapter I: Identification with the divine, a guarantee of prosperity……………………………14
Chapter II: Systematic examination of my primary motivations ………….21
Chapter III: Spontaneous choices………………….28
Chapter IV: Evolve and maximize your income…………………………………………..33
Chapter V: Relationship system in companies, partnerships …………42
Chapter VI: Loyalty and prosperity…….………..46
Chapter VII: Humility in my function by praising the weaknesses of my peers ……………….47
Chapter VIII: Succeed in our businesses by confronting our difficulties .56
Chapter IX: Finances…………………………..61
Chapter X: What school does not teach us …………………………………….69
Chapter XI: The art of preparing the future of your offspring ……………………75
Conclusion ………………………………………79

Publication 2010, new revised and corrected edition January 2023.


On January 25, 2010, the first edition started from an observation of a child's problem with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with/or without Hyperactivity) and the principles of its treatment. Through readings and conferences, I discovered the relevance, in this area, of practices linked to the “Quebec” model as a tool for intervention and prevention. This model could correspond to the elements of an approach defined in systemic terms.

In Geneva, how does it work? Are there any networks of this type? How do the various actors collaborate together? Does the social worker have his place, if so what? The study carried out consists of a search for elements of explanation of a general problem and more specifically in Geneva regarding the existing support systems. The aim was to define AD/HD and to perceive the issues linked to this theme. After the description of the North American model discovered, the study reports the point of view of parents, but also of a certain number of professionals working around children with ADHD (medical professionals; teaching staff; social workers, etc.). .) It is a question of understanding how each person positions themselves in relation to the medical aspects of the problem but, above all, of reporting the perceptions of each of them regarding their own role and that of others actors, in terms of partnership.

Therefore, the research question addressed is the following: “Care for ADHD children: Between “network system” and “multidisciplinary approach”, what is the role of the social worker?

Recently, the (CSPS) Swiss Center for Specialized Pedagogy advises and supports the authorities, professionals and the public interested in questions relating to the education, development and integration of people in situations of disability and special educational needs. It promotes exchanges between the scientific world,
authorities and the field of practice, it analyzes and explains different positions in the field of specialized pedagogy and develops perspectives and concepts. Finally, the CSPS produces and disseminates information material.

In January 2024, the edition was revised and corrected accordingly.

Excellent works relate and define the complexity of this theme. Therefore, the research does not claim to present all of the specificities of ADHD. Its objective is to participate in the debate on the possible creation of a care system integrating both parents and social workers in a multidisciplinary network designed as a socio-educational response to the problem of children with ADHD.

All in a systemic dynamic!

ISBN 2010 edition: 978-2-8399-2625-6
ISBN 2018 edition: 978-2-9701374-0-5
ISBN 2023 edition: 978-2-9701374-1-2